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Networking Software

The standard networking software shipped with all IRIS systems adheres to the Internet Model standards and protocols. It is derived from the networking software in the 4.3BSD UNIX® release from the University of California at Berkeley and the RPC® (remote procedure call) system from Sun Microsystems. The IRIX operating system implements the Internet Protocol suite and UNIX domain sockets using the 4.3BSD UNIX socket mechanism. The system also supports access to the underlying network media by means of raw sockets.

All standard networking software is supplied on the Execution Only Environment media (eoe1, eoe2, and netls_eoe). See Table 1-1 for a list of standard networking software for IRIS systems. See Table 1-2 for a list of the optional networking products for IRIS systems.

Standard Networking Software
Standard Networking SoftwareDescription
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol support
UUCP UNIX to UNIX Copy Programs
sendmail Electronic mail support
SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol
PPPPoint to Point Protocol
BINDBerkeley Internet Name Domain
NETLSNetwork License Server
NCSNetwork Computing System (supports NETLS only)
RPCRemote Procedure Call support

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